Nike; A Little Kitten With a Big Surprise
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Meet Nike

This 5-week old kitten came from a large feral colony– Around 16 cats plus several litters of kittens!

She was in trouble– lethargic, eyes glued shut and in serious distress.

It was late at night but somehow this baby girl found her way to a kind woman’s porch.

The woman, Courtney, called a PAWS volunteer who promptly came to see how she could help.

The kitten was taken in and has responded beautifully to food, medication, and lots of love.

She also had a surprise for the PAWS volunteer.

While trimming her nails, the volunteer noticed her right back foot was missing! In its place was a perfectly healed stump!

Her missing foot doesn’t slow her down one bit which is why we named after Nike, the Greek goddess of victory, strength, and speed.

We can never know what the first few weeks of her life have been.

Certainly as full as possible of her mother’s love and care.  

Then somehow Courtney’s front door.

Now as full as possible with human love and care.

Nike was lucky–she was able to find compassionate, knowledgeable people who nursed her back to health and will find her a good home.

She has an amazing life ahead of her.

Others will not be so fortunate.

For every kitten that gets rescued and placed in a caring home, dozens more languish. They face extreme weather, hunger, disease, cruelty, and death.

This heartbreaking reality is shockingly common in Southeast Idaho.

There’s good news– this suffering is preventable through pet sterilization!

PAWS makes pet sterilization accessible to everyone through our low-cost spay-neuter voucher program.

Learn more about our voucher program and other ways you can support the organization on the front lines of south-east Idaho’s decades-long animal welfare crisis.

Together we can make tragic situations like these a thing of the past.


Nike has been adopted! She needed a full leg amputation but is thriving in spite of all her challenges.